Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hard Work Paid Off

12 May 1942
10:58 local time
In light of our successful patrol, especially the sinking of three warships, my crew has been granted extended time off. This is mainly due to the extensive upgrades our boat has been undergoing. For nearly two months we have been enjoying our shore leave. Oh of course we still have plenty of work to do, but having your own warm bed to sleep in every night and three (or four) hot meals a day is as good a vacation as any of will ever find before the war is over.

On the technical side, U-588 has been thoroughly refitted for action. New batteries, regular engine maintenance, better hydrophones, sonar decoys, and upgraded active sonar. We are also going to be testing out some experimental equipment this patrol: radar and an exterior coating that should help prevent enemy detection. Anything to hide us from destroyers ranks high on my list! Sr. WO Gert Dobbert has been in training for the new hydrophone system and has earned his Radioman qualification. Now i have two qualified crew to rotate in the listening booth. I traded out two of my less reliable WOs a few weeks back to an outbound u-boat and managed to recruit two more experienced Sr. WOs to replace them. Hopefully Hessler and Mannesmann will mesh well with my already cohesive crew.

We sail in two days time, so I need to make the most of my comforts in between all the paperwork and loading provisions.

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